Nice to meet you!

Kourtney, Owner of Kreate Media

Kourtney, Owner of Kreate Media


Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” – Robert McKee,

I tell stories for a living, can it get any better than that? My favourite part of the job is taking a client’s vision and making it a reality through striking and compelling visual storytelling. This allows you to talk with your audience instead of at them.

I grew up making home movies on my mother’s old 8mm Zenith camcorder and have never looked back. I jumped at any chance to make movies for school assignments, attended art camps for extra credits and studied film and digital media in University and College.

It was a love affair from the start, and I think I will be involved some form of visual storytelling for the rest of my life. It’s how we connect, how we are remembered and how we never forget what matters most.